Getting as much information as possible about how to identify problems with your asphalt shingles will lead you to make the right decision about when to repair or replace it. Don't hesitate to learn what you can about your roof, especially since it's such a vital element that protects the rest of your house.
To help our Pace customers, friends, and everyone else, our professionals at Jones Roofing have put together a few tips below about how to identify problems with asphalt shingles.
Replacing all the shingles won't be necessary unless there are large sections that have suffered damage. You'll need to identify whether the shingles are no longer able to stop leaks.
PLEASE don't fall through the roof! You're going to need to examine the shingles up close. After hail storms, for instance, you'll need to look for hairline cracks. Hail causes tiny hairline cracks in shingles that are often impossible to see until you examine them up close. Keep in mind that just because you can't see the damage, it doesn't mean it's not there.
Cracked shingles – Whether you have asphalt shingles, tile, clay, concrete, or wood shake, cracks are never a good sign. However, cracks are sometimes challenging to see. If it's just a few damaged shingles, a repair or roof restoration solution would be more appropriate.
If you find cracked shingles – Also check for any signs of weak spots. If the shingles have had cracks for some time, they could have been leaking. Look for water damage on the decking that supports the shingles from underneath. Weakness, bulges, and ridges are a sign of water damage.
If you aren't sure about your asphalt shingles, you should get the advice of a professional Pace roofing contractor. Getting a full inspection every five years or so is the best course of action, but you can always get an assessment after storms or whenever you believe there's damage that needs attention.
Also, don't hesitate to bring in another professional for a second opinion if another contractor has told you that there is damage. It's always good to know for sure they gave you good advice and that the cost of the repair or replacement work is reasonably and competitively priced.
Jones Roofing often helps Pace homeowners to identify problems. We would be happy to assist you with a full roof inspection, an assessment, or the advice you need.